Friday, March 27, 2009


We Have New Songs!

We have about 3 new songs!!!! Today, Every last Word, and Once Upon These Days. They All have a different sound to them and we hope that attracts people with a love of different kinds of music. Today is a rhythmic powerful slow but not too slow song. Every Last Word is a slow song it has a lot of meaning to it and expresses a powerful feeling towards pretty much any thing. Once Upon These Days is a get up and start dancing song its hip hop and is super fun! At first it starts out with a slower rhythm and then it gets faster! It even has a dance to it! The writers of the songs are.... Today: Adriana Magallanes, Every Last word: Erika Jaramillo, and Once Upon These Days: Marla Garzon! We hope you enjoy all of the songs! We love you all!!! ♥♥♥ ~Black LASE♪♪♪

Monday, March 23, 2009

Thank You

Thank you....

Mom. For inspiring me and encouraging me. Dad. For pushing me to hard. My brothers and Sisters. For making me able to tolerate anything. Music. For helping me find my passion. My doggy. For letting me have at least one best friend. And last but one of the most important my Friends. For forming this band and supporting me with whatever I do. Thank You.



We are still writing the music and by we i mean BLACK LASE and our co-song writers Marla Garzon and Adriana Magallanes. They really help and we love them so much for helping us. So far we only have one song (lyrics) but we are working on more. We are having rehearsal every Friday and love having it. For us it's not just music it's having a good time and learning new things. We hope to have hundreds of fans one day but today tomorrow and the next day we will have what we have which is only a couple of fans. We love all who support. Please be a follower. ♥♥♥~BLACK LASE

How we Started Out

How we Started Out

Before we were an actual band we were a singing group. It all started when Erika and Sarah wanted to enter the talent show. But so did Ashley and Leydi. We didn't want to compete against each other so we all joined and sang together for the talent show. We got so excited that we decided to start our own band. We play instruments not to well and some of us can't even play yet. (but we are learning) We do sing and Erika is kind of the lead singer but so is Sarah. Ashley sings too. Leydi isn't that much into the singing but she is excited to play the bass. Erika is really excited to learn how to play guitar. Sarah is excited about showing of her wonderful skills! And Ashley thinks learning drums will be hard but easy and FUN!!! So keep checking out for new pics and maybe some new blogs!!!! Now here we are with this soon to be awesome website... ♪♪*♪♪ ♪♪♪***